Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Morrowind day 4

back to morrowind
Ald rhun

we start are day getting supplies for are training and fight
the monsters of the land and get some information
are friend slowly learns the his kind is not liked in
the area but as he is a member of the temple he has some

friend from the locals after his day in Ald rhun
he gets news from rahvirr of balmora  in a letter it reads

a vithsa fang hiss i am righting to you to tell you that the guard have
 not found out that i am helping slaves you
will be able to come to balmora soon best wishes ravhirr.

and so are wizard after reading this was sort of happy

visthsa fanghiss; well now that i havve newss i can start
 planing where i go first i will head to pelagiad where
i will make my way to suran or vivic their i can make my way
 though the ash lands or if it to bad i will go by boat
 to sidrith mora i hear suran is a nice place so

 i will go their first so let us go on to suran.

and so are here is head to suran where 
he will find fame and glory and maybe 
death or insanity

we will find out next time

this is commander m
signing out


  1. so how are you preparing for this semester William?

    1. just going to do what i can and take them time to study my work and just do what i can
