Tuesday, 31 December 2013

back to skyrim winterhold

we journey all the
way to winterhold

dawn fang hiss; a i am here
winter coooollldd

it soo cold

stop being a chicken it is
skyrim after all.

and so he made it to winterhold
the place is in ruins after the
great collapse from red mountain 

the place is ruin but the collage

dawn fang his; now to start my day here
and learn magic so i can get treasure 
for the might kingdom of
argonia now i 

hold it

dawn fang hiss; what ??

fallica; you may not enter till
you to a test of your skills in

ha your never getting in

dawn fang his; well ok 

fallica; you must cast a spell 
of conjure flaming atronach

dawn fang; em i don't have that one

well i will sell you one for 50 gold

dawn fang; well dam i wont have
 any money after
but to oblivion 
with it.

and so he get in after doing that spell
 he trains for some time but 
that is for next time

well wont be doing skyrim for a bit
till i can get him up a level till then
plenty of game i have ready to upload

this is Commander M
signing out

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