Tuesday, 31 December 2013

back to skyrim winterhold

we journey all the
way to winterhold

dawn fang hiss; a i am here
winter coooollldd

it soo cold

stop being a chicken it is
skyrim after all.

and so he made it to winterhold
the place is in ruins after the
great collapse from red mountain 

the place is ruin but the collage

dawn fang his; now to start my day here
and learn magic so i can get treasure 
for the might kingdom of
argonia now i 

hold it

dawn fang hiss; what ??

fallica; you may not enter till
you to a test of your skills in

ha your never getting in

dawn fang his; well ok 

fallica; you must cast a spell 
of conjure flaming atronach

dawn fang; em i don't have that one

well i will sell you one for 50 gold

dawn fang; well dam i wont have
 any money after
but to oblivion 
with it.

and so he get in after doing that spell
 he trains for some time but 
that is for next time

well wont be doing skyrim for a bit
till i can get him up a level till then
plenty of game i have ready to upload

this is Commander M
signing out

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Pokemon pt 4

we are back 
to Pokemon

well we last left of with 
are hero gold going to
take on team 

and we head down 
to take them

we fight the goons 
they got rattatas 
and koffings 
and some ekens 

level 14 to 16

we fight them level 15
or so we take 8 of the goons 
out and head to fight the leader
level 16 to 17 

so we had to be careful
with him and
we win

then we talk with
the old man he tells
us he can make 

so we are happy
next to fighting 
the gym leader
bugys but that

is for next time
this is Pokemon
trainer Commander M

singing out

Thursday, 26 December 2013

morrowind day 3

and so he made it to caldara 
where he live for 2 day training at 
the mages guild buying and selling herbs 
and after that was all done he heads to
ald ruhn of redoran why

their you may asks 

vistha fang hiss; to train i must get new spell and caldara is all out
so i will head for ald ruhn the locals call it their is a mages guild 
the scum and i can trade better their more stores and i have not
stolen from their yet.

how evil

and so he head for ald ruhn just like balmora
it is the head of one of the great houses of morrowind
redoran are great warriors and living nearly under
 red mountain most be hard.

along the way he find a lady on the road 

vistha fang hiss; why hello what arre you doing out here all alone 

well i was headed to naar mok cant you take me their
it just to dangerous in the country side alone

vistha fang hiss; don't worry vistha fang hiss will take you their 
he is good at magic and will have you their faster the a mud crab but first 
he must head for ald ruhn for supply yesss.

ok i will go to its not safe here i here their are these  
things called cliff racers that just pick you up and drop you from 
up high or stab you will their tail 

they sound nice i hope we run in to them vistha

SHUT IT your in the company of a lady

and so after along journey in the wood he made it 

to Ald ruhn 

this is Commander M singing out

cliff  racer; kazzzom we will find you narrator.

back to skyrim

well are lizard friend made
it to whiterun and is gonna 
get a ride to winterhold 
to join the collage their

ow my

dawn fang hiss; but why caravan er.

it close down to the weather i cant ride
in this blizzard you under stand out

dawn fang hiss; well yess

and so he cant go to the collage after all the en
WHAT arre you doing now

dawn fang hiss; walking i got my fffur boots on
and my woollyy hat on i wont get too cold

and so he headed to winterhold on foot 

ow my it a giant



dawn fang hiss; owww look it a friendly giant
were friendss now

Dam it

and so he headed to winterhold after that little odd
thing and seen another giant still friendly 

dawn fang hiss; how odd lets see what happens if i
hit it BANG.



and so dawn fang hiss runs all the way to winterhold

running for his life


this is commander m 
singing out

so Tactics begins NOW

secret mission 1

by member of 
the brotherhood
of steel

day one i got my first mission from general Barnaky i am to go the village of bramhin wood and stop raiders from taking out the hole village after that done the village elder will make an agreement with us for saving the village end log.

2 hour later 
location brahmin wood.

me and my team have got to the location we will sneak in and take out all the raider my team members are stitch and farsight stitch is are doctor in the team and he is good with a shotgun farsight is a good rifleman 
or sniper i will use them in my main team i will re do my log after the scouting is done and then go on with the mission end log.

10 minutes later

so i have gathered Intel on the enemy the main building in the center of the village is where their leader maybe hiding and their is a small petrol at the bridge and at the outhouse is more raiders after that the tool shed is heavily guarded they may have hostages that is all the Intel i can get but i will go on the mission any way and mix things up a little for the raiders as for the one near by stealth will do end log.

30 minutes later well that was a hard battle near the end it seem the leader of the raider was just a solder like us how odd and the little ruin at the back where i was unable to get Intel was a death trap bad guy every were but in the end we win the elder agreed to the terms of the brotherhood and they get protection and we get more recruits after i get back i will fill you in on my next mission end log.

2 hours later
location bos base alpha 

well i got my pay and some supply and next mission it seems after we left the main raider gang kidnap t the elder we are sent in to speak with a spy in the camp and get the elder out as for Intel the base is heavily guarded and their is a fuel tank at the back of the main base and in the center where the cell is their are alarms and lot of guards escape route will take heavy fire if i run in and sneaking will only work for so long with little cover in the center we will need a plan this is initiate the warrior aka commander m logging off. 

well that where you come in maybe if you read the post leave a message on how the warrior will succeed in his mission this will be a joint blog where the reader can turn the fate of the warrior in the right way and this mission is hard i lost all members of the team on it. 

this is commander m singing out.

not doing terminator but

 I May do

Fallout; new Vegas

yup i didn't wont to do this
but well i am thing i may
do it after morrowind and 
skyrim are done
so let

the Apocalypse

starting with 

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Be Prepared Get Tactical !

Fallout Tactics 

this is the other game
you play as a member of 
the brotherhood of

you fight in a real time
strategy game

it can be a hard game
as the game is one of the older fallout game

but in the end the brotherhood will
forge you in to a true soldier 
may not be this cool training will vary.

their are three rules 
from the drill Sargent 

lose your armor you
will spend a week in a box

lose your weapon you
will spend a week in a box

you lose both of them he
will kill you.

all in all it a fun game

this is recruit M signing 

judgement day is here

i may or may not play the
terminator salvation game
it a bit hard the 3 levels in 
but i will see how fare i get
and if it fun i will post about it 
second game i may or may not play 
on next post

this is commander m 
surviving in the future.

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

what i am gonna be doing on the Xmas holiday

I am not sure
what i will do

but i am thinking
of posting more on my games 
and playing games along the
way and may just have 
a look on TV
i am thinking of
seeing the next
Doctor Who

and i will 
find games
to blog about
along the way

and of
I will

game on

this is Commander M
signing out

news from game.com.new

Remember how i said
that game has 2 new

well here it is

fallout 4 is taking 
place in



same place
Google got 
shares from

Google is trying 
to take over the
world and
 fallout 4



and it taking the 
fallout world.

This is Commander M
seeing you all later

Monday, 16 December 2013

Morrowind day 2

and so after being
inspired to
be a great
wizard of
the telvanni

vitha starts getting
spells from the mages
guild getting ripped of
of course and then goes to
the temple wait WHAT
are you mad they will see

vitha fang hiss; haha i will trick
them that way i can get about 
vvardenfell easy hehe.

the narrator; you sly lizard and
so he trick the priest into letting
him join their order this is ether
the best plan he has 
come up with or the worst

he got in and learn a lot of spell from the
priests of the temple and leave to
continue his journey.

vitha fang hiss: now lets see 
couldera is not to far from here
i will head north to train my spells
and leave balmora like ra virr said

and so he head north fighting rats and
nixhound along the way haha he is so dead

vitha fang hiss : awww look a puppy oww my god
a hound from hell aaaa aaa AAA.

the narrator: and so he dea

vitha fang hiss: wait wait i am a live 


and so he heads back to balmore with
his tell between his legs 

vitha fang hiss: kaboom 
effect fire ball let lose

ow dear 

vitha fang hiss;


dam you didn't kill him right

and so he continue his journey 
to be a great mage.

this is Commander M
signing out

Pokemon pt 3

so we continue
the journey to
be a Pokemon 

On the road again 

so we head south to
Azalea town along
the way we run into
are next two 
and tentacool

we train them 
to level 10
and head into
Union cave

we fight are way
past the trainers
and Pokemon 
and we make
it to the town
where a 

old man is get
 the shit kicked 
out of him by a 
grunt the old man give 
him a yelling and the grunt

said that team rocket 
was abandon
but we have returned and 
a wait are great

he runs away i help the
old man home and i find out
all the slowpokes in the
town have bean stolen 
by team rocket 

so i head out to fight them
but that is for next time

this is Commander M
signing out

update on what i follow

Hello all 

I was of for a bit got more 
thing to talk about and so 
i am back first the blogs i follow

digital media 
computing blog
i keep an eye on it as often
as i can so that fine 

college skillzone don't
follow just their

the Bethesda blog
2 new thing on that
elder scroll online will be out
on April 4 2014 for mac and pc
and some fallout but i will leave that for 
the class next.

is talking about why is their
not a GTA film i will give you
one reason it to new in the 
gaming industry

video game new 
and gaming blog 
well their talking 
about the next telltale
walking dead season two
soo cool.

beyond the minds eye
he has not posted in some time
but i still follow in my own time
has done some more videos
on his YouTube channel it
a good show here a link
some good videos
on the elder scrolls

the register
i keep an eye on it like the college one
seen a post on how Google has got shares
in a tech company THAT BUILD ROBOT
not just any robots robots that run like a horse
way to go Google. The company is called
Boston dynamic and i will talk about that latter

this is Commander M
signing out

Friday, 6 December 2013

back to skyrim and solitude

last time we made
it to solitude 
and good some
gold for all that
we didn't need 
we got a room
and from the bar
man we got a guest 
some black foot bandits 
are in a cave along the coast 

dawn fang his; it seems the bandits 
have a big operations here 
it would  be a sssame if
ssome thing wasss to happen
to it

and so dawn fang his 
made the place go
BO  wait no boom

dawn fang his; hahah they never seen me coming 

he stealth killed them all what the F*^%&^%%

and so the bandit gang was no more
a 100 bandits dead with no fighting back

the hero then got payed for his work 
and got a caravan to whiterun 
their he seen the most odd thing ever

but that is for next time

this was Commander M
signing out

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

reasons to play morrowind and not

Morrowind is a great game
if you like a game
that hate you back
then this is the 
game for you

it can be a 
love hate thing

some time you will love it and
some time you will hate it
i my self hate the amount of time
 i run for my life from 
the evil cliff racers

and other time it a
great game with lot of 
back story and lore
to ever thing 
and when 
that level goes 

like an angel 

but bad point
the game is old 
it came out
in 2002 
so it out of times
with the new 
games and 
all words are text based
so you will read a lot
alchemy tool takes
a lot of work
and every body in
the game hates you
but this guy
moving on
good points

game has a lot of story's
to follow has lot of spells 
and weapons and funny things
and a massive world 
the island is bigger in game
 then the UK so you cant 
walk from one end of 
the island to the other
but you can get a bus

by bus i mean this
say hello to the silt strider
fastest way to travel 
moving on again
if you wont to play a great game 
that let you do all the things up their 
play Skyrim it newer it cooler it hate you back
like Morrowind and it got beards.

this is Commander M 
signing out

Sunday, 1 December 2013

and now the game you all have bean waiting for is

yes Morrowind 
you seen the art
i put up

now let us begin

and so vistha fang hiss start his

wait a sec wait
 it his great grandfather 

and so he starts his journey in Morrowind
the land of the dark elves  vitha fang hiss
start his journey wakening up after
being a slave on a farm on the main
land for years he is in a fellow
argonians house 

nine toes: your a wake you
and the other are free now
go to ra virr he will tell
you more don't go close
to the guards 

and so ra virr tells are lizard he is
free to do as he will but most
leave balmora  soon as the guard
may find out we get some food 
and tool and head out to
trade and then he sees a book
the a fares of a wizard 

and so he find his dream

vistha: i will be the greatest wizard 
of the telvanni and for that
i most head for sadrith mora

and so Vistha fang hiss 
great grandfather of
dawn fang hiss

start his journey